Stockings Jerk Stories

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Lt. Gordon's Transformation Ch. 03

by DMaster_14 on Sep 12, 2017
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

Jamie woke up at four thirty the next morning and lay in bed thinking about the last two days and the changes in her life. After the transporter accident that changed James into Jamie several things had happened. Jamie had started to think of herself as a female and was starting to enjoy it. But the most worrisome thing was that she was starting to flirt and...

Victorian Diaries Ch. 01

by drysi on Sep 12, 2017

Entry I Dear Diary, Today is a new day for the rest of my life, a whirlwind of changes. Even you are new, bound in leather with a lock to make you mine alone; just as I am his, now. Bought and paid for. I'm still terrified, I tell you only. But I suppose it was inevitable, and mother prepared me as best she can. She should not have had me, she always said....

Procured Ch. 03

by Calandria on Sep 17, 2017

Sandra, my wife, and our friends Lucy and Jimmy, were deep in discussion with Katia when I got home from work one day. They were sitting around the kitchen table, over a pot of tea, and the talk sounded animated. 'Can anyone join in?' I asked. 'Of course,' said Sandra, 'Lucy would like Katia to find them a slave too – she thinks it would be fairer on...

The Best Laid Plans

by Marc DeLancy on Sep 14, 2017
Loving Wives

Of course, all characters and situations are fictitious, but certainly plausible given the range of human sexual behavior. My job is to combine them into a form you will find erotically entertaining. Please encourage me with your comments and suggestions and I will do my best to satisfy you. I am not inclined to write long stories that need to be divided int...

Addicted to Attention Ch. 07

by Barbara on Aug 30, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Cat was showering with Des and Ken so I put the kettle on to make us all a morning mug of tea. They all sat down, looking forward to a day of unwinding from the stress of business activity, in holiday mode at last. Unlike me, Des enjoyed letting his concentration wander when on holiday. I vowed not to spoil that for him today by trying to discuss any money m...

Heart-Shaped Ass for Valentine's Day

by pilot63 on Sep 11, 2017

BEEP! The cell phone in Dave's pocket sounded, indicating an incoming message. He pulled the phone out of his jacket pocket and flipped it open. The identifier on the message was his wife, Sally. It took a few seconds to load, so he knew it must be a picture message. When the picture came up on his phone, he nearly spit the mouthful of coffee across his des...

A Good Relationship Ch. 5

by Ian H. on Sep 14, 2017

Howard phoned me a few times over the following weeks. The last call he told me he had been away a lot but said he had some African businessman coming to stay next week, I told him that was the week I had arranged with work to have as a holiday. Howard said he would try to get some time free during that week so we could have some fun, he asked how my arse wa...

Depraved Secret

by llieno on Sep 13, 2017

The room was quite spartan – white, painted walls dotted here and there with a few old picture frames, a frosted glass window and, strangely, what appeared to be some sort of clear polythene sheeting, covering an old worn carpet. Lastly, 2 worn looking armchairs were just visible to the right and left of the scene that was revealing itself to my puzzled gaze...

Fifties Housewife The Next Day

by Gerilynn69 on Sep 13, 2017
Transsexuals & Crossdressers

This is a story about Gerry's life. You can read more about Gerry in the story Fifties Housewife. I have been working in a small accounting office as a bookkeeper. I work with three women in the office. Sarah is the CPA who owns the firm. She always seems to know whenever anything is going on. Jane works as our receptionist. She knows all the latest gossip...

Our Little Secret?

by Tony_Stark on Sep 15, 2017
Loving Wives

Saturday started like any other Saturday. Jill was up out of bed first, had made coffee and was at the computer in the sitting room area of the master bedroom. It was the "tap-tap-tapping" of the keys that awoke Mark. Jill did a lot of work from home and got most of it done in the early morning weekend hours before the rest of the world was moving. Mark cr...