Tiger Balm Stories

7,983 results
Infinite Scroll

The Library Ch. 13-14

by AKAheyU on Sep 16, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Chapter Thirteen Her new attorney had given her the alarm code and the keys to the house and to everything else while arranging to have $10,000 transferred into her existing checking account while the tangled web of banking laws were sorted out during that week. She wasn't in any kind of mental shape to go shopping and spend any money anywhere, except perha...

The muse

by tigerofmist on Sep 12, 2017

Quietly Tiger came into his room, the day had been long and arduous. He dropped his cloak on a nearby chair and that's when he sensed her ... maybe it was a sound from her breathing or maybe her scent but all of a sudden there she was. Hello sweetheart he purred softly I didn't expect to find you here. Of course you didn't she replied.. that's why they call...

The Scarlet Affair Ch. 02

by GallopingStyx on Aug 18, 2017
First Time

Authors Note: This is chapter 2 of The Scarlet Affair series. I highly encourage you to read chapter 1, as it will help you better understand the plotline. All characters are 18 years or older - the two main characters, Scarlet and Aiden, are both 18 and seniors in high school. Thanks for all of the support and encouragement. So long as people continue t...


by ropeburns on Sep 17, 2017

ONE Your eyes open, and you find me facing you, lying in bed with you. I kiss your forehead, then your eyelids, and my fingers run through your hair. We're both naked, and the sun is streaming through half-opened curtains. Feeling your curious, almost amused eyes on me, I kiss my way down your face with tiny delicate pecks, then traverse your jawline to th...

Flight Delay Ch. 02

by classyman1938 on Sep 1, 2017
Erotic Couplings

The cold Colorado winter wind gusted outside, then calmed. What a luxury to be living in California he thought. But, the room was warm, and their two naked bodies nestled together in the heated ambience. Her body, pressed against his, stirred slightly and she sighed, then curled her knees a little and tightened her arm over his shoulder, but still seemed to...

Tiger's Wood

by Aries410 on Aug 19, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Kevin was awakened by a warm, silky sensation surrounding his cock. He fully enjoyed the few moments it took for his eyes to focus. When he could see clearly, he picked up his head and looked down his body to see Lori's head going up and down on his rock hard cock. She'd suck his cock all the way into her mouth until his pubes poked her nose, then hum as she...

Donna's Weekend

by Wisheswerehorses on May 12, 2020

As soon as I woke the thought was with me; June 3rd Donna's weekend. Tiger meowed that it was time to get up, his grey and white face purring against my chin. "Hey sweetie." I scratched his neck. Donna had found him, a kitten clinging to a sewer drain in a rainstorm. He apparently never forgot that Donna had rescued him. He favored her and went berserk w...

Fan Service

by my_wooden_tiger on Sep 14, 2017

It started innocently enough, he wrote feedback to one of my stories. He said, he had a thing for schoolgirls and older men-younger women thing. I was free to contact him many different ways, he listed them So me being me, I picked up my trusty cel phone and called the number listed. It answered to voice mail so I left one. "Hi, this is tiger. I just wanted...

The Khan Ch. 07: A Tiger Warrior

by BlueGriffin on Dec 16, 2019
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jun'ai stepped into the glade. Trees with wide reaching branches cast the area in shade. A narrow trickle of water wandered through the rocks. The grass here was tall. Reeds hugged the water's edge. There was a butte of crumbling shale overlooking the creek. The shelf of rock hung over the water. Jun'ai froze. On the rock ledge was a hulking tiger. The cat...

Tiger of Bahrain

by Valleyvixin74 on Jan 21, 2020
Interracial Love

Laura McNallen was headed off to make the deal of a lifetime. She had inherited a family company that was one of thousands of beltway bandit concerns peddling tech of one degree of usefulness or another to US defense and clandestine branches. Being part of the constant graft as business, lobbiest as weapons crowd cost Laura any illusions about how her nation...