Vicky Stories

1,386 results
Infinite Scroll

The Governess

by harding on Nov 20, 2018
Novels and Novellas

The Arrival of Miss Batholomew My new governess arrives a week before I am to turn eighteen. She comes in an open trap, carried from Canterbury station by a rough looking man whose business it is to take ladies and gentlemen where they wish. He makes no offer to help her down, nor to lift her bags, and our butler Henderson makes a gesture and one of the foo...

The Story of Miranda

by Vitorio on Sep 28, 2020
Erotic Couplings

The Story of Miranda by Vitorio © General introduction: I have been posting stories on Literotica for almost 20 years. A few years ago I withdrew quite a lot with the intent of trying to publish them for gain. I did a couple of long stories, one from here and one original piece, together with a short story. Unfortunately I have not found neither the time...

Realms of Eden: Home Fires B2A2

by sddconst on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Act 2 -- Play Games Chapter 1 -- Only women bleed Kelsey and Sydney walked back towards their motel around midnight. Kelsey was a little tipsy as she giggled beside the warm body that held her up helping her keep one foot in front of the other as they walked in the moonlight. Suddenly she stopped. "Syddy," she cried, "didn't Alfie want you to do something...

When Spidey Met Oracle

by littleblackduck on Oct 8, 2019
Celebrities & Fan Fiction

CHAPTER ONE: Before Sunset He decided to run the mask through two more rinse cycles than he ran with the rest of the costume. Washing the head-piece was usually the most important part of laundry day. He spent so much time breathing in his own breath through the thing that he really didn't need a three-day-old body-funk included. He knew this from experienc...


by BurntRedstone on Sep 25, 2017

Chapter 1 The planet Bacchus was apparently named after some ancient God of Harvest and Wine. This God was supposed to represent having a good time. As Bron shoved another corpse into the reclamation vat he considered the hellish reality behind the face of the 'party planet'. Bacchus was dedicated to the pleasures of the flesh. If it felt good, tasted good...

Realms of Eden: A Warrior Rises

by sddconst on Sep 12, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Foreword Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to read and comment on my first submission of Realms of Eden Book 1 – Sydney comes of Age (it's in the Sci-Fi section). This is a rewrite of that book but from the story teller's perspective rather than first person. My characters told me that they didn't think they got enough time in my first book havin...