Wool Stories

5,426 results
Infinite Scroll

The Snow Nymph

by IllyHymen on Mar 18, 2020

I'm standing in my backyard naked during a prolonged flurry of snow. It is 1:00 AM, and the neighborhood is perfectly silent except for the low din of arctic winds coming in over Lake Erie. My nipples instantly harden, and the cold hurts my exposed skin. I can only tolerate this cold a few more moments, but I feel more alive than I have in years. The only th...

Love Notes

by Discordianknot on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Soto voce. She could barely contain herself as she entered the driveway of her small park-side home. Her love was returning from a three-week business trip to Europe. They talked when they could while he was away, but he was usually so busy on such trips that conversations had to be rushed. This trip was no different, except that they usually made plans t...

Timestopper Begins Ch. 35

by Drmaxc on Sep 19, 2017
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Meetings with Diana Coincidence is a funny thing. You can be in the middle of a strange town, even a strange country and you meet someone you know totally out of that person's usual context. It is not coincidence really but happenstance. Many, many people you know are in very different places from usual all of the time and it just so happens you meet one o...

Crime & Punishment: The Prequel Ch. 02

by RichardGerald on Nov 25, 2017
Novels and Novellas

This is the second part of the crime and punishment saga. I intend to write this story before, after, and through the old story. My friend John did the original edit on this part a while back. It has gone through many revisions and edits since then. I'm sorry to see that some are not reading because they did not like how I resolved the last version. Sorry,...

The Worst Night of Her Life

by Braids on Jan 21, 2019

You smiled as you sat watching the monitors from the safety of your secret control center, hidden deep within the labyrinthine mansion as your prey arrives. You had waited for this moment for years and now all of your hard work was about to pay off. It had taken nearly all of your vast fortune to create your incredible estate; an intricate maze of traps and...

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Thul Pa Ch. 05

by Smother on Aug 30, 2017

Ch. 05 Fall Colours Business had been fairly steady over the summer but the fall bookings were a little slower than usual. His bed and breakfast had become a favourite spot for the people who couldn't "rough it" overnight at the local national park. Couples were still dropping in occasionally to take in the leaves as they changed colour but the mad rush wa...

A Monster Life Ch. 16-18

by SciFurz on Jan 16, 2019
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

*It took some time but here's the next episode. A warning though, I'll have to disappoint you because there's no hanky-panky in this one! * 16 - Party Time The four had left their packs with Monna after the nourishing meal and followed her directions to the tailor through small streets a little away from the busier main street. The sign with needle and t...

Aboard the Lady May Ch. 03

by storyteller51 on Sep 15, 2017
Novels and Novellas

Felix's transition from sleep to consciousness was, as always, instantaneous. Opening his eyes, he blinked once against the pale predawn light, and was wholly alert before he drew his first waking breath. Despite the deep pleasure he took in the warmth of Jamie's still-sleeping body sprawled atop his chest, he became immediately aware of two sources of disco...

Into the Goodnight Ch. 02

by titania123 on Sep 19, 2017

Dear Readers, For those of you who didn't notice, this is the second chapter of this series, so you will more than likely want to read the other chapter first, which is under the Scifi-Fantasy category. Thanks for all the comments and votes of the last chapter. I appreciate all the feedback, so please keep it coming. Thanks to Already Taken for her excel...

Julie Chin

by grgor on Sep 2, 2017
Erotic Couplings

She first heard this sing-song taunt when she was five, but it took her a while before she realized it was not cheering her on. Still, she stuck with it. And by her mid 20s she was playing in an orchestra. Not a top orchestra, but she was on her way. Her parents, who had immigrated to the U.S. from Taiwan, were very proud of her artistic success. (And, yes...