Z Stories

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Sharing Z

by Z and Larson on Sep 19, 2017
Loving Wives

Z and I had been married for about three years and had sort of stumbled onto the fact that talking about having other men fuck her while we were making love was a big turn-on for both of us. She had done some flashing for strangers at my request from our very first date, and a little more than flashing on a few occasions – letting someone we didn't know touc...

A Slave's Tale Ch. 02

by mollycactus on Sep 17, 2017

z opened the door just as Molly got to it. "Welcome, Miss. I'm glad you could make it," the self-proclaimed slave woman said. "I was glad to get your call, z," Molly responded, smiling. "You did offer to let me observe you being trained in housecleaning by that Mistress that you told me about last time. I'm curious to see how you both interact." She saw tha...

Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 17C

by RogueAlan on Oct 21, 2019
Interracial Love

Original Story: Scipio Continuation: RogueAlan Chapter 17C: Come Together Sharon barely noticed when her right hip banged the table edge, because by then she was past it. She leapt onto the bench seat, hands catching Tom's heavily muscled shoulders, arms flexing as she pulled herself up, closer to him, one leg swinging through a most unladylike arc as she...

Nie wszystkie przygody nadają się do ballad

by Regin34 on Mar 30, 2018

-Ariane weź przestań męczyć tego chłopaka. Jeszcze nam tu wybuchnie z tymi policzkami. - Najemniczka zganiła przyjaciółkę. Elfka odwrórciła wzrok od przystojnego młodzieńca, ewidentnie go prowokując pogłębianym dekoltem i niedwuznaczynymi uśmiechami. Chłopak był już na dobrej drodze by zemdleć, taki był czerwony na twarzy. -Daj mi spokój. Krzywdy mu przecież...

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by Z and Larson on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

I met Z when we both attended a special lecture at the local college and had one of those love-at-first-sight connections, the kind that is of both the heart and the loins. We were instantly in love, but also both immediately so hot for each other it was hard to maintain any kind of decorum from the first glance. Only the fact that we were across the room fr...

A Slave's Tale Ch. 03

by mollycactus on Sep 17, 2017

Her Master walked swiftly over to where z dangled by her ankles, the rope through the ceiling ring holding her ass up off the mattress, although her head and shoulders rested upon it. Without another word, he pulled his leather belt free from the loops around his waist as z's pupils dilated and Molly cringed. His belt whistled and snapped, that sound blendin...

Z at the Adult Theater Ch. 02

by ZandME on Sep 17, 2017

Chapter 2: Z Gets Wilder I had left for Z's house in Saturday mid-morning and arrived there about noon. She had an early afternoon appointment so we did our greetings and horizontal exercises right away. The 69 was particularly satisfying for us both. While she was about her duties, I turned on football and opened up a beer. After a few beers I fell asleep...

Messrs. X, Y and Z

by yeswetstories on Sep 19, 2017

Mr. Z came home from work early. The office had been slow and it was Friday. The whole weekend was before him, so he had ducked out early to get a good jump on the work free days ahead. He parked his car in his space inside the six-stall garage that was attached to the huge, perfectly landscaped house. He lived in this house with two friends, Mr. X and Mr. Y...

A Slave's Tale

by mollycactus on Sep 14, 2017

"Why do you seek humiliation?" Molly asked the naked woman kneeling with knees spread apart in front of her, trying not to stare too hard at her exposed tits or her gloriously red pubic hair. Z stared back at Molly, a little incredulous. "Why do I seek humiliation, this woman asks me," she thought to herself. She thought that the question was very silly and...

W poszukiwaniu brata

by jzksdftpgx on Mar 10, 2018

Masz na imię Jagoda, tydzień temu skończyłaś 18 lat. Jesteś piękną jasnowłosą dziewczyną o chabrowych oczach, długich nogach i pełnych piersiach. Mieszkasz w niewielkiej wiosce o nazwie Chłoszcze, ze swoim wujkiem i ciotką. Twój ojciec był żołnierzem w armii króla, w nagrodę za wierną służbę otrzymał sowitą nagrodę. Wydał ją na przeprowadzkę z miasta, gdzie...

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