Control Mind Stories

280,150 results
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The 4 Types of Mind Control

by TehCorinthian on Sep 16, 2017
Reviews & Essays

In my opinion, there are four basic categories of Mind Control erotic stories. This assumes that we are discussing actual stories of course – as we all know, there are plenty of horribly written little screeds that barely bother to name the poor characters, let alone discuss anything beyond breast and cock size. If, however, the author is attempting to actua...


by ComteCheese on Sep 26, 2017

This will deal with a type of mind control fetish I'd like to call 'anti-social mind control', or 'patheticism'; more than just the depravity or eroticism of sexual desire in a functional, yet still conventional, construct, this is one that feeds on a desperation of power and control which is generally considered incompatible, minor, and superficial/non-erot...

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Suits and Slimes

by Halode on Feb 9, 2020

Hideki Laboratories has been at the forefront of biotechnology for years as a satellite operation of Hideki Technology, but most only know of a few of their breakthroughs that proved to be profitable, usually medical applications for ways to better administer drug treatments to particular parts of a body via 'smart pills', or 'organic bandages' to help a pat...

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Mind Control

by Zigurat on May 25, 2003

When one becomes an MC (Mind Controller), does there need to be a MC organization? If so, how is the organization defined? What are its goals and motivations? How should Mind Control be defined? Can it be used to do anything? Does one just “push” an emotion or idea on the subject or does one manipulate matter at the molecular level to stimulate portions of...

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A Beast Unleashed

by LizardGod on Mar 13, 2017

You will be taking on the role of creatures of Myth and Fantasy. From Minotaur's to Lamias and anything in between. Whilst there are no RPG elements to this story you will be able to choose between giving in to your more animalistic side(This path will tend more towards Forced/Non-con scenes) or using whatever intelligence you have (Still mostly reluctance/F...

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Always Under Self-Control?

by amischiefmaker on Dec 3, 2019
Loving Wives

Like a playbill in a stage production at a high class theater, right at the beginning I'll set forth the cast of characters in this saga. I'm Ryan Battle, 43 years old, an engineer and COO of a Russell 3000 company that makes renewable energy products and components. Michelle Battle, 43, is my wife of twenty two years. She is a marketing account executive...

Short Tales of Fortitude

by DoctorD on Aug 27, 2020

This is a collection of short stories that I have written. Some form a storyline, thin though it may be, which is about mind control, a harem, and primarily, sex. It is primarily written for action, and often features different things, such as domination, abuse, cum inflation and futa. It should be known that it gets quite violent. Those stories do come toge...

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Kitten's Submission Ch. 02

by Dirty Kitten on Sep 16, 2017

This had not been part of his plans. As a confused, frustrated man tried to gather his wits about him, Lurker knew that he had given in to simple animal lust. Not that there was anything wrong with that, under the right circumstances, but now was not the time and place. Lurker rose from his seat. Kitten watched as the expression melted from his face. The s...

Smut Anthology

by lolhappy250 on Dec 9, 2018

This "story" is meant to be a replacement for my tumblr, since they decided to fuck themselves right after I started a blog, and since all my content was erotica anyways, this seemed like a serviceable choice. As such, within you'll find a variety of short stories and flash fiction, rather than an overarching plot. Fair warning, I lean heavily towa...

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A Slave's Letter

by Joseki Ko on Sep 16, 2017
Letters & Transcripts

There is so much to this life that makes the level of communication so much more important then any other life. One tiny bout of confusion can cause so much heartache. I have been married, to someone vanilla. I know what it feels like to be so utterly in the wrong relationship that it makes your skin crawl. Learning about this life i was shown so many piece...