Con Stories

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Claire's Career Ch. 05: The Secret Agent

by seth_perm on Sep 25, 2017
Erotic Couplings

Part 5: The Secret Agent Claire was feeling horny. The problem was that she had got used to coming regularly, under the oral ministrations of her co-worker in the RSPHNFFP charity shop, the talented Mr. Sharma. Of course the fact that she was allowing him to go down on her had nothing to do with sex per se. It was just that she was allowing him to practic...

Venganza de mujer

by matadora on Aug 22, 2017

Ella esta muy pensativa esos dias..como habia llegado a ese punto?..No sentia nada, ni sentimientos de rabia ni ningún otro. Solo sentía sed de venganza. Lo esperaba en su Departamento. Habia esperado ese momento por mucho mucho tiempo..y ningun detalle librado al azar. Lo tenia todo programado. Tenia que ser fuerte para que todo salga como ella lo deseaba,...

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A Beast Unleashed

by LizardGod on Mar 13, 2017

You will be taking on the role of creatures of Myth and Fantasy. From Minotaur's to Lamias and anything in between. Whilst there are no RPG elements to this story you will be able to choose between giving in to your more animalistic side(This path will tend more towards Forced/Non-con scenes) or using whatever intelligence you have (Still mostly reluctance/F...

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Historias CFNM y ENM

by Wolfstrart on Jul 1, 2018
Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Empezaremos esta historia presentando a los protagonistas que vivirán todas aquellas vergonzosas, eróticas y muy desnudas aventuras: Jonas un chico muy inteligente, que con 19 años sigue siendo virgen, no a tenido contacto con ninguna mujer además de que duda de su sexualidad, su cuerpo no es muy grande, es pequeño y delgado con muy poco vello en el cuerpo,...

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A Convention to Remember

by bbw4youngercocks1 on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

A year after Sandy and Jeff's wedding, Anne stood behind her own new husband, his arm around her waist as Zander introduced her to one of his new friends and the man's girlfriend he had met at a concert in Wheeling. The four of them had been in such animated chatter at the hotel lobby as they were checking into the hotel for a musician's convention. Anne lo...

Sumisa y Cornudo

by LordDrako on Jan 4, 2019

Mi nombre es Adrián, tengo treinta años recién cumplidos y soy ingeniero informático en una compañía de telecomunicaciones. Físicamente, creo que soy un tío atractivo: metro setenta y cinco, rubito, ojos verdes, nunca he tenido problemas para ligar. Cuido bien de mi cuerpo: voy tres veces por semana al gimnasio y depilo mi vello corporal, incluido mi vello p...

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A Bridesmaid and a Rock Singer

by bbw4youngercocks1 on Sep 14, 2017
Erotic Couplings

They had met at a swanky wedding for Anne's friend Sandy, who had married some big shot CEO of some company or another. Somehow, Sandy had gotten a popular band with a lead singer who had been on a nationally televised singer's contest to play at her wedding; at the time, Anne had no idea who they were and didn't care for the show Sandy had gushed about, so...


by Talon65 on Feb 5, 2019

Sebastián era un chico de 20 años que comúnmente pasaba solo la mayor parte de sus días. No era de muchos amigos, sino es que tenia alguno, y prefería pasar sus días solo tranquilo y en silencio. Comúnmente era parte de su rutina ir a revisar la casa de tu tía, la cual le daba unos billetes por ver que la propiedad estuviera intacta ya que ella no vivía allí...

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The Last New Year

by BlBones on Sep 17, 2017
Loving Wives

FICTION, UNREALITY, FANTASY. If you don't like or understand them, Stop reading now and find another story. BlBones * Let's get the intros out of the way. I'm Glenda and my husband is Con (Conroy). Shortly you will meet Chuck, one of my high school boy friends. Con had never met Chuck though he knew of and about him and had seen his pictures in the yearboo...


by heykiza on Mar 16, 2019

Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'a...

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