Zbloutch Stories

6 results
Infinite Scroll

Hollywood Horror Story

by zbloutch on Feb 13, 2020

The night had fallen for a couple hours, and yet, Los Angeles was more dynamic than ever. The city was shining a thousand lights coming from its numerous buildings, and its population was living it's life, far from suspecting something terrible was coming their way. And yet, it was. You see, there are things humans have come to think impossible, because the...

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The crazy ex girlfriend

by zbloutch on Sep 5, 2019

-I think there’s someone at the door. Peter sighed and looked away from the newspaper he had been reading since he had started his breakfast with his family. He looked at his wife and smiled. After sixteen years of marriage, as both were approaching their forties, he was still in love with Laura. Her brown hair, her blue eyes, not to mention her generous cur...

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Des vacances qui tournent mal

by zbloutch on Jul 31, 2019

L’aéroport de Roissy était bondé en ce début d’été. Les vacanciers se bousculaient comme si leur vie dépendait de leur présence dans leur avion avant le départ de ce dernier. De temps en temps, une voix monocorde faisait une annonce dans un micro, dominant quelques instants le désordre ambiant. Des groupes se formaient et se séparaient. Les milliers de gens...

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The time master

by zbloutch on Nov 20, 2020

"Oh my God !" The woman who had yelled those words didn't look like a troublemaker. When she had entered this grocery store a few minutes earlier, she looked like your average conservative housewife in her early fourties. When she had noticed that creep staring at her breasts while licking his lips, she had told him firmly to leave her alone. Then,...

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Une soirée magique

by zbloutch on Jul 15, 2019

La ville de Fort-Sépia était un endroit sans histoire. Les jours et les nuits qui s'y écoulaient se déroulaient généralement sans imprévus, et le soir ou commence cette histoire ne semblait pas faire exception à la règle. Au milieu des maisons plongées dans l'obscurité, une seule se démarquait. Ses fenêtres allumées et les silhouettes qui bougeaient, sans pa...

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With great power come great boobies

by zbloutch on Jun 22, 2020

-My Lord, are you sure mankind is ready for this gift? Millions of lightyears from our planet, the etheric bodies ruling the universe were having one of those endless debates on how life on distant planets needed to evolve. -Now is the time, said one of them. The people of this planet have evolved enough to receive it. Through the centuries, they slowly prog...

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